33 Descent of the Holy Ghost On the Day of Pentecost
62 Martyrdom of St. James the Less
64 Persecution by Nero begins
68 Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul
70 Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus
95 Persecution by Domitian
100 Death of St. John
116 Martyrdom of Ignatius
166 Martyrdoms of Justin and Polycarp
168 Montanus publishes his heresy
177 Persecution at Lyons and Vienne
190 Tertullian flourishes
202 Persecution by Severus begins
--- Martyrdom of Origen's father
206 Martyrdom of Perpetua and her companions
248 Cyprian, bishop of Carthage
249 Persecution by Decius
251 Paul, the first hermit
--- Troubles at Carthage; Novatian schism
253 Plague at Carthage
254 Death of Origen
--- Disagreement between Cyprian and Stephen of Rome
257 Persecution by Valerian
258 Martyrdom of Cyprian
260 Conversion of the Goths begins
261 Valerian prisoner--Gallienus tolerates Christians
270 Manes publishes his heresy
298 Diocletian requires idolatry from soldiers, &c.,
303 The last general persecution begins
311 Separation of the Donatists from the Church
313 End of the persecution
314 Council of Arles about the Donatists
319 Arius begins to publish his heresy
324 Constantine defeats Licinius,declares self Christian
325 The First General Council held at Nicaea--Arius condemned--The Nicene Creed made
326 Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria
335 Council of Tyre
--- Athanasius banished to Treves
336 Death of Arius
337 Death of Constantine
338 Athanasius restored to his see
341 Second banishment of Athanasius
343 Persecution in Persia
347 Revolt, defeat, and banishment of the Donatists
348 Ulfilas, bishop of the Goths
349 Second return of St. Athanasius
356 Third exile of Athanasius
--- Death of Antony the hermit
361 Julian emperor--Paganism restored
362 The Donatists recalled
--- Athanasius restored, but again banished
--- Attempt to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem
363 Death of Julian
370 Basil, bishop of Caesarea, in Cappadocia
372 Gregory of Nazianzum consecrated bishop of Sasima
373 Death of Athanasius
374 Ambrose, bishop of Milan
378 Gregory of Nazianzum goes to Constantinople
379 Theodosius, emperor
380 Gregory, bishop of Constantinople--Death of Basil
381 Second General Council held at Constantinople--Gregory withdraws from his see
385 Execution of Priscillian
387 Baptism of Augustine
--- Sedition at Antioch
390 Massacre at Thessalonica, repentance of Theodosius
391 Destruction of the Temple Of Serapis
395 Death of Theodosius
--- Augustine, bishop of Hippo
397 Death of Ambrose
--- Chrysostom, bishop of Constantinople
400 Pelagius teaches his heresy at Rome
403 Death of Telemachus at Rome
--- Council of the Oak--Chrysostom banished, recalled
404 Chrysostom banished to Cucusus
407 Death of Chrysostom
409 The Romans withdraw from Britain
410 Rome taken by Alaric
--- Pelagius and Celestius in Africa
411 Conference with the Donatists at Carthage
412 Ninian bishop of Whithorn
415 Councils in the Holy Land as to Pelagius
429 Pelagianism put down in Britain by German & Lupus
430 Death of Augustine
431 Third General Council held at Ephesus--Condemnation of Nestorius
432 Death of Ninian--Patrick goes into Ireland
449 "Robber Council" meets at Ephesus
--- Landing of the Saxons in England
451 Fourth General Council held at Chalcedon-- Condemnation of Eutyches
--- Attila in France--Deliverance of Orleans
452 Attila in Italy
455 Rome plundered by Genseric
476 End of the Western Empire
484-519 Schism between Rome and Constantinople
493 Death of Patrick
496 Conversion of Clovis
527 Justinian, emperor
529 The heathen schools of Athens shut up
--- Benedict draws up his Rule for monks
541 Jacob leader of the Monophysites
553 Fifth General Council held at Constantinople
565 Columba settles at Iona
--- Death of Justinian
589 Third Council of Toledo--The Spanish Church renounces Arianism
--- Columban goes into France
590 Gregory the Great, bishop of Rome
596 Mission of Augustine to England
597 Landing of Augustine in Kent--Conversion of Ethelbert
604 Deaths of Gregory and Augustine

589-615 Missionary labours of St Columban
612 Mahomet begins to publish his religion
627 Jerusalem taken by the Mussulmans
632 Death of Mahomet.
635 Settlement of Scottish missionaries in Holy Island
664 Council of Whitby
724 Beginning of controversy as to images
--- Victory of Charles Martel over the Saracens
734 Death of the Venerable Bede
715-755 Missionary Labours of St Boniface
752 Pipin becomes king of the Franks
787 Second Council of Nicaea
794 Council of Frankfort
800 Charles the Great crowned as emperor
--- Forgery of Constantine's donation
Death of Charles the Great
826-865 Missionary labours of Anskar
846 Forgery of the False Decretals
860-870 Conversion of Bulgarians, Moravians, Bohemians, &c
912 Foundation of the Order of Cluny
962 Otho I, emperor
988 Conversion of Basil, great prince of Russia
999 Sylvester II, pope
994-1030 Conversion of Norwegians
1046 Council of Sutri
1048 Pope Leo IX.-- Beginning of Hildebrand's influence over the papacy
1073 Hildebrand elected pope (Gregory VII )
1074 Foundation of the Carthusian Order
1085 Death of Gregory VII
1098 Foundation of the Cistercian Order
1099 Jerusalem taken in the First Crusade
1113 Order of St John (or Hospitallers) founded
1116 Order of the Temple founded
1123 Agreement between pope and emperor at Worms
1147-1149 The Second Crusade
1153 Death of St. Bernard
1154 Nicolas Breakspeare, an Englishman, chosen pope (Adrian IV)
1170 Murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket
1189 The Third Crusade
1198 Innocent III elected pope
1203 Constantinople taken by Crusaders
1208 England put under an interdict
1208-1229 War against the Albigenses
1215 Fourth Council of the Lateran--Innocent sanctions the Dominican and Franciscan Orders of Mendicant Friars
1240 First Crusade of St. Lewis
1270 Second Crusade and death of St. Lewis
1274 Second Council of Lyons
1294 Election of Pope Celestine V
---- Election of Pope Boniface VIII
1300 Boniface celebrates the first jubilee
1303 Death of Boniface
1310 The popes settle at Avignon
1312 Council of Vienne--The Templars dissolved
1377 Gregory XI moves the papacy from Avignon to Rome
1378 Beginning of the Great Schism of the West
1384 Death of John Wyclif
1414-1418 Council of Constance
1415 Pope John XXIII deposed
---- John Huss burnt by order of the Council
1417 Election of Pope Martin V and end of the Schism
1418 Religious war of Bohemia breaks out
1431 Council of Basel opened
1438 Council of Ferrara and Florence
1453 Constantinople taken by the Turks
1455 Invention of Printing
1464 Pope Pius II vainly attempts a Crusade
1498 Death of Savonarola
1503 Death of Pope Alexander VI
1517 Appearance of Martin Luther as a reformer
1572 The Saint Bartholemew Day Massacre of Protestant Huguenots in France. Subseuquent French Wars of Religion


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