AD | |
33 | Descent of the Holy Ghost On the Day of Pentecost |
62 | Martyrdom of St. James the Less |
64 | Persecution by Nero begins |
68 | Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul |
70 | Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus |
95 | Persecution by Domitian |
100 | Death of St. John |
116 | Martyrdom of Ignatius |
166 | Martyrdoms of Justin and Polycarp |
168 | Montanus publishes his heresy |
177 | Persecution at Lyons and Vienne |
190 | Tertullian flourishes |
202 | Persecution by Severus begins |
--- | Martyrdom of Origen's father |
206 | Martyrdom of Perpetua and her companions |
248 | Cyprian, bishop of Carthage |
249 | Persecution by Decius |
251 | Paul, the first hermit |
--- | Troubles at Carthage; Novatian schism |
253 | Plague at Carthage |
254 | Death of Origen |
--- | Disagreement between Cyprian and Stephen of Rome |
257 | Persecution by Valerian |
258 | Martyrdom of Cyprian |
260 | Conversion of the Goths begins |
261 | Valerian prisoner--Gallienus tolerates Christians |
270 | Manes publishes his heresy |
298 | Diocletian requires idolatry from soldiers, &c., |
303 | The last general persecution begins |
311 | Separation of the Donatists from the Church |
313 | End of the persecution |
314 | Council of Arles about the Donatists |
319 | Arius begins to publish his heresy |
324 | Constantine defeats Licinius,declares self Christian |
325 | The First General Council held at Nicaea--Arius condemned--The Nicene Creed made |
326 | Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria |
335 | Council of Tyre |
--- | Athanasius banished to Treves |
336 | Death of Arius |
337 | Death of Constantine |
338 | Athanasius restored to his see |
341 | Second banishment of Athanasius |
343 | Persecution in Persia |
347 | Revolt, defeat, and banishment of the Donatists |
348 | Ulfilas, bishop of the Goths |
349 | Second return of St. Athanasius |
356 | Third exile of Athanasius |
--- | Death of Antony the hermit |
361 | Julian emperor--Paganism restored |
362 | The Donatists recalled |
--- | Athanasius restored, but again banished |
--- | Attempt to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem |
363 | Death of Julian |
370 | Basil, bishop of Caesarea, in Cappadocia |
372 | Gregory of Nazianzum consecrated bishop of Sasima |
373 | Death of Athanasius |
374 | Ambrose, bishop of Milan |
378 | Gregory of Nazianzum goes to Constantinople |
379 | Theodosius, emperor |
380 | Gregory, bishop of Constantinople--Death of Basil |
381 | Second General Council held at Constantinople--Gregory withdraws from his see |
385 | Execution of Priscillian |
387 | Baptism of Augustine |
--- | Sedition at Antioch |
390 | Massacre at Thessalonica, repentance of Theodosius |
391 | Destruction of the Temple Of Serapis |
395 | Death of Theodosius |
--- | Augustine, bishop of Hippo |
397 | Death of Ambrose |
--- | Chrysostom, bishop of Constantinople |
400 | Pelagius teaches his heresy at Rome |
403 | Death of Telemachus at Rome |
--- | Council of the Oak--Chrysostom banished, recalled |
404 | Chrysostom banished to Cucusus |
407 | Death of Chrysostom |
409 | The Romans withdraw from Britain |
410 | Rome taken by Alaric |
--- | Pelagius and Celestius in Africa |
411 | Conference with the Donatists at Carthage |
412 | Ninian bishop of Whithorn |
415 | Councils in the Holy Land as to Pelagius |
429 | Pelagianism put down in Britain by German & Lupus |
430 | Death of Augustine |
431 | Third General Council held at Ephesus--Condemnation of Nestorius |
432 | Death of Ninian--Patrick goes into Ireland |
449 | "Robber Council" meets at Ephesus |
--- | Landing of the Saxons in England |
451 | Fourth General Council held at Chalcedon-- Condemnation of Eutyches |
--- | Attila in France--Deliverance of Orleans |
452 | Attila in Italy |
455 | Rome plundered by Genseric |
476 | End of the Western Empire |
484-519 | Schism between Rome and Constantinople |
493 | Death of Patrick |
496 | Conversion of Clovis |
527 | Justinian, emperor |
529 | The heathen schools of Athens shut up |
--- | Benedict draws up his Rule for monks |
541 | Jacob leader of the Monophysites |
553 | Fifth General Council held at Constantinople |
565 | Columba settles at Iona |
--- | Death of Justinian |
589 | Third Council of Toledo--The Spanish Church renounces Arianism |
--- | Columban goes into France |
590 | Gregory the Great, bishop of Rome |
596 | Mission of Augustine to England |
597 | Landing of Augustine in Kent--Conversion of Ethelbert |
604 | Deaths of Gregory and Augustine |
AD | |
589-615 | Missionary labours of St Columban |
612 | Mahomet begins to publish his religion |
627 | Jerusalem taken by the Mussulmans |
632 | Death of Mahomet. |
635 | Settlement of Scottish missionaries in Holy Island |
664 | Council of Whitby |
724 | Beginning of controversy as to images |
--- | Victory of Charles Martel over the Saracens |
734 | Death of the Venerable Bede |
715-755 | Missionary Labours of St Boniface |
752 | Pipin becomes king of the Franks |
787 | Second Council of Nicaea |
794 | Council of Frankfort |
800 | Charles the Great crowned as emperor |
--- | Forgery of Constantine's donation |
814 (approx.) |
Death of Charles the Great |
826-865 | Missionary labours of Anskar |
846 | Forgery of the False Decretals |
860-870 | Conversion of Bulgarians, Moravians, Bohemians, &c |
912 | Foundation of the Order of Cluny |
962 | Otho I, emperor |
988 | Conversion of Basil, great prince of Russia |
999 | Sylvester II, pope |
994-1030 | Conversion of Norwegians |
1046 | Council of Sutri |
1048 | Pope Leo IX.-- Beginning of Hildebrand's influence over the papacy |
1073 | Hildebrand elected pope (Gregory VII ) |
1074 | Foundation of the Carthusian Order |
1085 | Death of Gregory VII |
1098 | Foundation of the Cistercian Order |
1099 | Jerusalem taken in the First Crusade |
1113 | Order of St John (or Hospitallers) founded |
1116 | Order of the Temple founded |
1123 | Agreement between pope and emperor at Worms |
1147-1149 | The Second Crusade |
1153 | Death of St. Bernard |
1154 | Nicolas Breakspeare, an Englishman, chosen pope (Adrian IV) |
1170 | Murder of Archbishop Thomas Becket |
1189 | The Third Crusade |
1198 | Innocent III elected pope |
1203 | Constantinople taken by Crusaders |
1208 | England put under an interdict |
1208-1229 | War against the Albigenses |
1215 | Fourth Council of the Lateran--Innocent sanctions the Dominican and Franciscan Orders of Mendicant Friars |
1240 | First Crusade of St. Lewis |
1270 | Second Crusade and death of St. Lewis |
1274 | Second Council of Lyons |
1294 | Election of Pope Celestine V |
---- | Election of Pope Boniface VIII |
1300 | Boniface celebrates the first jubilee |
1303 | Death of Boniface |
1310 | The popes settle at Avignon |
1312 | Council of Vienne--The Templars dissolved |
1377 | Gregory XI moves the papacy from Avignon to Rome |
1378 | Beginning of the Great Schism of the West |
1384 | Death of John Wyclif |
1414-1418 | Council of Constance |
1415 | Pope John XXIII deposed |
---- | John Huss burnt by order of the Council |
1417 | Election of Pope Martin V and end of the Schism |
1418 | Religious war of Bohemia breaks out |
1431 | Council of Basel opened |
1438 | Council of Ferrara and Florence |
1453 | Constantinople taken by the Turks |
1455 | Invention of Printing |
1464 | Pope Pius II vainly attempts a Crusade |
1498 | Death of Savonarola |
1503 | Death of Pope Alexander VI |
1517 | Appearance of Martin Luther as a reformer |
1572 | The Saint Bartholemew Day Massacre of Protestant Huguenots in France. Subseuquent French Wars of Religion |
[ Main Contents ]