In the beginning, God created the universe and the world.
The antediluvian world: Adam to Noah
The Adamic covenant
The second world: From Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth onwards.
The Noachic covenant
The Tower of Babel.
The building of the cities of Nineveh and Jericho which was inhabited from c.
9000 BC until its destruction upon the entry to Canaan.
2000 - 1700 BCE: Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob
(Israel), Joseph. The Abrahamic covenant.
c. 1800 BCE: Old Babylonian Empire and the Hammurabi Code (c. 1750 BCE)
1595 BCE: The Hittites plunder Babylon.
1504 - 1453 BCE: Thutmose III establishes Egypt as world power after the Battle of Megiddo.
c. 1700 - 1250 BCE: 400 years slavery in Egypt, Exodus, Moses and the Sinaitic covenant. Covenant with Joshua at Shechem.
c. 1292 - 1225 BCE: Rameses II the Great. Inconclusive battle at Kadesh against the Hittite Empire and subsequent peace treaty (c. 1269 BC)
between the 2 world powers.
c. 1200 BCE: End of the Hittite Empire.
c. 1350 - 1030 BCE: Conquest and settlement in Canaan.
c. 1350: The time of the Judges: (from Joshua to Samuel)
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah and Barak, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli, Samuel
c. 1030 - 931 BCE: The united Israelite kingdom:
978 - 944 BCE: Hiram of Tyre
c. 1100's BCE: Egypt in decline
c. 1000 - 900 BCE: Saul, David, Solomon and Samuel. City of David and the 1st. temple.
931 - 722 BCE: Divided Israelite kingdom: Jeroboam I and Rehoboam
931 - 722 BCE: The Northern kingdom, Israel with capital at Samaria.
c. 900 - 800 BCE: Jehoshaphat
884 - 612 BCE: The Assyrian Empire
883 - 859 BCE: Asshurnasirpal
722 BCE: Assyrians take the northern kingdom.
704 - 681 BCE: Sennacherib
c. 879 BCE: City of Samaria founded.
c. 800 - 700 BCE: Jeroboam II, Josiah's reforms and renewal of the covenant. Ahaz, Hezekiah, Isaiah, Hoshea, Assyrians and Sennacherib.
c. 700 - 600 BCE: Isaiah's prophecy regarding the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar.
931 - 587/6 BCE: Southern kingdom, Judah with capital at Jerusalem.
612 BC: Nineveh falls to Nabopolassar I of Babylon. End of the Assyrian Empire.
587/6 BCE: Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar capture Jerusalem and destruction of the 1st Temple. Babylonian captivity and exile.
605 - 539 BCE: Neo-Babylonian Empire:
722 - 587/6 BCE: Last years of Judah.
587/6 - 400 BCE: Exile and return from Babylonia.
538 BCE: Medo-Persian empire. King Cyrus conquers Babylon and allows the return of the Jewish
exiles. Darius (Gubaru) the Mede governs Babylon.
Jerusalem is rebuilt by the decree of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) to
Ezra in 457 B.C. [Ezra 7].
The 4 decrees for the restoration:
333 BCE: Alexander The Great and the Grecian empire.
330 BCE: Darius III Codomanus is slain. Persia falls to Alexander.
323 - 166 BCE: Ptolemaic rule (323 - 198 BC) followed by Seleucids (c. 198 - 163 BC) from the 4 divisions of
Alexander's empire
(the Didochi kingdoms) after his death by his generals.
323 BCE: Ptolemy (Lagides) Soter obtains Egypt.
c. 215 - 163 BCE: Antiochus IV Epiphanes, last Seluecid king in Judea.
166 - 63 BCE: Jewish revolt and Maccabees. Judas Maccabaeus and the
Hasmoneans. Israelite independence.
63 BCE: Pompey conquers Judea and Roman rule begins.
31 BC: Battle of Actium. Egypt falls to the Romans
c. 27 / 30 BCE - 14 CE: Emperor Augustus
37 - 4 BCE: Herod the Great - Ruler of Palestine, built the Masada step palace,
enlarged the Temple, and attempted to stop the coming of Christ in Mt. 2:16.
c. 30 BCE - 10 CE: Hillel and Shammai
c. 6 - 4 BCE: Birth of Jesus Christ
c. 18 - 36 CE: Caiaphas as High Priest
26 - 36 CE: Pontius Pilate - procurator of Judea.
4 BC - c. 40 AD: Herod Antipas - Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, had John the Baptist executed.
c. 27 CE: Apostles chosen and Christ's ministry begins.
c. 30 CE: The new covenant.
c. 30 CE: Christ's crucifixion at Golgotha
14 - 37 CE: Tiberius
c. 30 - 100 CE: The young Church and the New Testament written.
c. 37 CE: Conversion of Saul of Tarsus (Paul)
41 - 44 CE: King Herod Agrippa I - governor-king of Judea had James, brother of
John Zebedee put to death c. 44 AD.
49 CE: Expulsion of Jews and Christians from Rome.
c. 50 AD: Council of Jerusalem.
50 - 93 AD: Herod Agrippa II - King who presided over the trial of Paul [Acts 25:13]
c. 41 - 65 CE: Travels and ministry of Paul:
c. 46 - 48 CE: 1st missionary journey
c. 49 - 52 CE: 2nd missionary journey
c. 53 - 57 CE: 3rd missionary journey
c. 59 - 62 CE: Paul's journey to Rome.
c. 52 - 60 CE: Antonius Felix - governor
Pauline Epistles possibly written around this time and soon after.
66 CE: The siege of Jerusalem and the flight to Pella.
68 CE: The destruction of Qumran
70 CE: Destruction of the 2nd Temple at Jerusalem
73 CE: Masada
c.96/ 100 CE: John completes the 4th Gospel and possibly Revelation. Death of John
c. 132 CE: Second Jewish revolt against Roman rule - Simon bar Kochba
c. 135 CE: Dispersion of the Jews and Christians throughout the Roman Empire.
Intermittent persecutions of the early Christians and others, notably under
Nero, Domitian, Marcus Aurelius and Diocletian.
(BCE = Before Common Era; CE = Common Era).
Paul's missionary journeys
The 4 ancient world empires of the Book of Daniel:
606 - 538 BC: Neo-Babylonian Empire - Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar, Nabonidus,
538 - 331BC: Medo-Persian Empire - King Cyrus the Great, Artaxerxes,
331 - 168 BC: Grecian Empire - Alexander The Great (III of Macedon). 4-part division of
the empire after his death.
168 BC - 476 AD: The Roman Empire.
457 BC: Artaxerxes' decree to rebuild and restore Jerusalem.
408 BC: Jerusalem is rebuilt with the city wall.
27 AD: Christ's baptism and public ministry begins.
c.31 AD: Christ's crucifixion and the end of the Temple sacrificial system.
The veil is torn.
34 AD: The martyrdom of Stephen at Jerusalem; Phillip ministers in Samaria
70 AD: The destruction of the 2nd Temple at Jerusalem during the siege of the city by Titus.
The fall of Nineveh and the end of the Assyrian Empire
c. 587 BCE: Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians and Nebuchadnezzar. Beginning of Judaean exile. Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Second Isaiah, Haggai and Zachariah.
539 BCE: Medo-Persian conquest of Babylonia by Cyrus the Great.
530 and 520 BCE: Return of some of the Judaean exiles from the Babylonian captivity in 2 waves.
516 BCE: Rebuilding and dedication of the Temple.
c. 458 BCE: Ezra led another wave of returnees from Babylon. Edited the Torah?
c. 445 BCE: Nehemiah, religious reforms, rebuilding of the city walls at Jerusalem.
c. 332 BCE: Alexander the Great conquers Palestine including Judea.
323 BCE: Death of Alexander, division of the Grecian Empire by his generals.
312 BCE: Ptolemy conquers Judea and takes Jerusalem but grants religious autonomy.
201 - 198 BCE: Seleucid conquest of Palestine.
197 BCE: Judea becomes a province of the Syrian Seleucid Empire under the rule of Antiochus III (223 - 187 BCE).
187 - 175 BCE: Beginning of Hellenistic infiltration resisted by Onias III.
175 - 164 BCE: Antiochus IV Epiphanes
175 BCE: Onias III deposed.
175 - 171 BCE: Jason is High Priest.
c. 175 BCE: Hellenistic reforms
172 BCE: Jason expelled from office, his brother Menelaus replaces him.
172 - 162 BCE: Menelaus as High Priest.
171 BCE: Onias III murdered at the instigation of Menelaus.
169 BCE: Led by Menelaus, Antiochus profanes and plunders the Temple.
168 BCE: Antiochus' 2nd Egyptian campaign is blocked by the Romans.
167 BCE: Antiochus decrees the persecution of Jews who oppose integration of Judea into unified Seleucid Empire based on Greek culture and religion. Official abolition of Jewish religion and practice. The 2nd Temple is transformed into a sanctuary of Zeus.
166 - 160 BCE: Judas Maccabee leads Jewish revolt.
164 BCE: Judas Maccabee conquers Jerusalem. Truce and cleansing of the Temple still occupied by Menelaus.
162 - 150 BCE: Demetrius I. Menelaus executed by the Syrians. Alcimus is appointed as High Priest by the king.
161 BCE: Judas Maccabee is defeated and killed. Jonathan Maccabee becomes leader of the Jewish rebels (161 - 152 BCE).
c. 160 BCE: Alcimus dies of stroke. End of Syrian military intervention.
157 BCE: Jonathan Maccabee enters Jerusalem.
152 - 145 BCE: Alexander Balas usurps the Seleucid throne, later murdered in Arabia through treachery.
152 BCE: Jonathan Maccabee establishes independence and is appointed High Priest by Alexander Balas.
145 - 142 BCE: Antiochus IV enthroned by Tryphon as his ward but later murdered by him. Jonathan Maccabee named governor of Syria and Simon Maccabee made military governor of Palestine area.
143 BCE: Jonathan Maccabee is arrested by Tryphon.
143 or 142 BCE: Jonathan Maccabee murdered in prison.
142 BCE: Simon Maccabee assumes rulership.
140 BCE: Simon Maccabee is confirmed as High Priest and ruler by public assembly, his titles granted hereditarily. Beginning of the Hasmonaean Dynasty.
135 or 134 BCE: Murder of Simon Maccabee.
c. 135/4 - 104 BCE: John Hyrcanus becomes ethnarch and High Priest. Opposed by the Pharisees.
104 - 103 BCE: Aristobulus I becomes High Priest and king.
103 - 76 BCE: Alexander Jannaeus becomes High Priest, king and conqueror. Resisted by the Pharisees.
76 - 67 BCE: Salome Alexandra, widow of Alexander Jannaeus, friend of the Pharisees. Hyrcanus II becomes High Priest.
67 BCE: Hyrcanus II becomes king and High Priest but is later deposed by his brother Aristobulus II.
67 - 63 BCE: Aristobulus II is king and High Priest. Taken prisoner by Pompey in 63 BCE.
63 BCE: Pompey conquers Palestine. After the fall of Jerusalem, Judea becomes a province of the Roman Empire.
63 - 40 BCE: Hyrcanus II is reinstated as the High Priest but without royal title.
40 - 37 BCE: Antigonus, son of Aristobulus II occupies the throne and priesthood with Parthian support. Hyrcanus II is maimed and exiled. End of the Hasmonaean dynasty.
37 - 4 BCE: Herod the Great
30 BCE: Hyrcanus II is executed.
27 - 14 BCE: Augustus is emperor.
c. 6 BCE: Birth of Jesus Christ
4 BCE - 6 CE: Archelaus ethnarch of Judea and Samaria.
14 - 37 CE: Tiberius is emperor
26 - 36 CE: Pontius Pilate is prefect of Judea
c. 30 CE: Crucifixion of Christ
66 - 70 CE: First Jewish revolt (against the Romans) ending in the capture of Jerusalem and the destruction of the 2nd Temple under Titus.
c. 73 CE: Fall of Masada
132 - 135 CE: Second Jewish uprising led by Simon bar Kochba. Jerusalem is razed and rebuilt as Aelia Capitolina.
170 CE: Center of Jewish religious life is relocated to Galilee.
(Panias, Gaulanitis, etc) |
at the Lebanon |
43 - 31 BCE |
(special powers) |
Coponius | 6 - c. 10 CE |
Marcus Ambivius | c. 10 - 13 CE |
Annius Rufus | c. 13 - 15 CE | 4 BCE - 39 CE |
Valerius Gratus | c. 15 - 26 CE |
Pontius Pilate | c. 26 - 35 CE |
Marcellus | c. 35 - 38 CE |
37 - 41 CE |
Marullus |
41 - 48 CE |
Cuspius Fadus | 44 - |
Tiberius Alexander |
Ventidius Cumanus |
Antonius Felix |
Porcius Festus |
Albinus |
Gessius Florus |
69 - 79 CE |
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